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2 posts tagged with "concerns"

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The Danger of Labels

· One min read
Adam Kecskes
Operations and Engineering Manager

Every time we put a label on a concept, and idea, or a system with the best of intentions to describe it and that system or idea becomes popular, that label (and by extension the system itself) gets corrupted into a mockery of itself.

Without fail.

Every. 👏 Single. 👏 Time.

Projects All the Time

· 3 min read
Adam Kecskes
Operations and Engineering Manager

I’ve been away from my computer for quite a bit recently, hard at work in the Texas heat (don’t worry, I keep well hydrated and take lots of breaks) fixing a limestone patio. It’s a lot of moving dirt around, lifting and placing large stones, and planning.

Planning. We can never evade it, can we? Whether building a new house, fixing an old patio, or creating the latest revolutionary digital product, planning is always there.